I've always loved the song "Sitting at His Feet" and as I meditated on the words of the song I began to wonder what exactly happens at the feet of Jesus. I found a precious story, in the Word of God, of a woman named Mary that explains exactly that.
In Luke 10:38 the Bible tells us of two sisters named Mary and Martha these were the sisters of Lazarus. Jesus was good friends with this family and often stopped by to visit and fellowship with them. On this particular occasion Mary was at the feet of Jesus while Martha worried and worked for her guest. We all know this story but I want to focus your attention to what Mary was doing. She was sitting at the feet of Jesus - learning, listening and receiving from the Master. So, the first thing that happens at His feet is that we learn and recieve from Him. Mary knew this and wanted to obtain everything and anything she could from Jesus. This is a wonderful place to be - at His feet - listening to Him as He speaks into our hearts. Just sitting with Him and enjoying His presence, fellowshiping with our Master. He loves it when we come to Him for no other reason but to spend time with Him.
The second thing that happens is found in John 11:32. This is the story where Lazarus died and his sisters called for Jesus. When Jesus arrived to the city where Lazarus and his sisters lived, Mary ran to where He was and fell at his feet. So, we find that at the feet of Jesus we find comfort. Not only do we learn and recieve from Him but we also find peace and comfort at His feet during difficult moments of our life. When life's tragedies come to us we can always go to the feet of Jesus and just like Mary did - we can find the answer to our hearts cry. At His feet we can lay our sorrow down and know that all is well when left at the feet of Jesus.
Thirdly we find in John 12:1-8 that after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead - Mary was so grateful and wanted to show her gratitude to Jesus not only for what he had done for them but for who He was, the Saviour of the world, their Messiah. She came to Jesus with a costly perfume in a alabaster box and anointed His feet with oil and wiped His feet with her hair. She acknowledged who He was and worshipped at His feet. We can still come to His feet and worship Him. Loving Him and exalting Him for all He has done for us and for who He is. At His feet is where I long to be.